Local Information

Local Information

There are several services  and amenities available in the parish. Some of which are detailed below.

Village Newsletter

The Parish Council issues a quarterly newsletter via email which is full of local news and events.

If you would like to receive a copy please contact the Parish Clerk on [email protected] or telephone 07519 411098

Copies are available in the village hall.

To read or download our most recent newsletter please click on the link below.

March 2024

Play Areas

Lily’s Play Area is located on the Millennium Green

There are also two sets of swings available on the Glebe Estate playing field.

Village Hall

The village hall located in Church Road has under went a £40,000 refurbishment, following a successful Lottery Grant bid by the Village Hall Committee.

The hall is an ideal venue for all sorts of occasions-children’s  birthday parties, christening parties, club meetings, bingo sessions and quiz nights.

To book the village hall or to make enquiries about a booking please contact the Booking Secretary on 01553 828193


Tilney All Saints Parish Council are pleased to announce that a defibrillator has been installed on the wall outside the Village Hall in Church Road.

In an emergency residents must still dial 999 and the Ambulance Service will then provide the access code and instructions.

Councillors would like to thank the Tilney Charities for their kind donation towards the cost of the defibrillator and everyone who made donations during the village Platinum Jubilee events.

Councillors would also like to thank the Village Hall Committee for permission to install the defibrillator at the hall.

Tilney All Saints Primary School

The primary school has been part of the local community since 1845.

Located at the junction of Shepherdsgate Road and Church Road the school is increasingly popular and has a growing intake.

The school was rated “Good” in its most recent Ofsted inspection in March 2023.

The school is a member of the Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust (DEMAT) along with its sister school Anthony Curton Primary in Walpole St Peter.

The school can be contacted on

01553 828220 or email

[email protected]

Mobile Library Service

The mobile library service visits the village on a Wednesday once every 28 days at the following times:

09:45 10:00 School Road Post Box PE34 4RS

10:05 10:20 Willow Drive PE34 4SU

10:25 10:45 Village Hall PE34 4SW

10:50 11:05 Shepherds Gate Cottage PE34 4RP

Route Number DOW303



Please note this information is subject to change or amendment both on a permanent and temporary basis. For all enquiries about this route please call 01603 222303

Coffee Morning:  Coffee mornings will be held in the village hall to coincide with the visit of the library van.

Why not pop in for a coffee and a chat when you change your books.

Tilney All Saints Church

​If you wish to make arrangements for a wedding or baptism please contact:

Church social events are included under Upcoming Events.


Holy Communion 1st Sunday of the month at 10.30am

Family Service at 10.30am:

Everyone is welcome to join in services or visit the building.

Fight Flooding by Clearing Channels


Flooding is a real threat in Norfolk through the winter: keeping even the smallest watercourses clear and flowing freely will help protect homes and businesses safe.

A build-up of flood water with nowhere to drain to can quickly turn a minor incident into a disaster for the home. By checking the drains and ditches on their own property, residents can take action to mitigate the effects of flooding on their home.

To keep your property, and those around you, safe from flooding, property owners must check ditches and watercourses on or adjacent to their land and keep them clear. Even smaller watercourses which may be dry for most of the year, play a key drainage role in wet weather. Find out more about your responsibilities at www.norfolk.gov.uk/flooding

Under UK law, landowners have a responsibility to keep watercourses on their property clear, even if only a few feet of the ditch pass through their property. Hedges or fences that are erected within the boundaries of a property can even prevent owners knowing they have a watercourse to maintain.

Lord Richard Dannatt, Chair of the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance (NSFA), said: “It’s easy to put flooding into the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ box, and not think about it until the waters start rising, but the most effective steps to protect your home and yourself are taken much earlier. A quick check of your drains and watercourses, making sure water flows freely, can take just minutes but can save you hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages by giving water somewhere to drain to other than into the home.

“There are of course other actions that can be taken to prepare for flooding: on a countywide level, we in the NSFA have put in place new practices, new channels and new ways of working to make sure we can respond to flooding and mitigate it’s impacts more effectively across Norfolk. But to make the country truly resilient, we need everyone to play their part and think about how they can protect themselves and their homes this winter.”

Making sure that water can flow smoothly and easily through existing ditches and watercourses will protect properties from flooding and keep the local community safe.

Property owners must keep these ditches clear of fallen trees, branches, bushes, garden refuse or rubble and litter will help water flow: a simple test is to ask whether a fish could swim through the ditch or watercourse. If the answer is no, water flow could also be obstructed and lead to flooding of the property

For drains in public places and along Norfolk’s highways, the County Council’s Highways Team work to clear them and keep roads open. You can report any blocked or broken drains on Norfolk’s highways via www.norfolk.gov.uk/flooding

Local Police:

Safer Neighbourhoods. 
Priority Setting Meetings are an opportunity to raise local issues or concerns and put
forward priority suggestions.

Officers will provide updates on previous neighbourhood
priorities and the work carried out to address them.

Priority Setting Meetings for the
Downham Market, Watlington & Terrington areas (which includes Tilney All Saints) are due to be held as follows:

Tuesday 30th January 2024.

Tuesday 30th April 2024
Monday 29th July 2024
Tuesday 12th November 2024.
All meetings are 7pm to 8pm and at the moment all are showing as to be held in the Town Hall at Downham Market.
If you would be interested in finding out more or joining the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme for the local area details can be found here Neighbourhood Watch


 Go To Town

Fully accessible door to door transport for people living in villages, giving the opportunity to visit local towns, to shop for a few hours or see friends. You need to be a member of this service, which is a simple form and a voluntary lifetime £5 donation

For more information please ring 01553 776971

Services offered include:

TUESDAY TO KING’S LYNN Marshland St James, Terrington St John, Tilney All Saints, Terrington St Clements, Clenchwarton, West Lynn.

In 8:45 return 12:00


Door to door car transport for all of your medical appointments 45p per mile


We provide mobility scooters for day hire or longer term holiday hire within King’s Lynn.


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